Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Istilah-istilah di dunia HSE

AART – Apply Advanced Resuscitation Techniques
AFARP – As far as reasonably practical
ALARA – As Low As Reasonably Achievable
ALARP – As Low As Reasonably Practicable
ASSE – American Society of Safety Engineers
BBS – Behavioural Based Safety
COP – Code of Practice
CBT – Competency Based Training
CIAED – Course In Automated External Defibrillation
DGHS – Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substances
DIFR – Disabling Injury Frequency Rate
DoL – Department of Labour NZ
EHSR – Elected Health and Safety Representative
ELCB – Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
EMP – Emergency Management Plan
ERT – Emergency Response Team
FAI – First Aid Incident
FIFR – Fatal Injury Frequency Rate
HAZOP – Hazard and Operability
HFA – Hazard Factor Assessment
HIRA – Hazard Identification Risk Assessment
HSE – Health & Safety Executive UK
HSR – Health and Safety Representative
HSSE – Health, Safety, Security & Environment
ISHR – Industry Safety & Health Representative
JSA – Job Safety Analysis (risk assessment before starting work)
JSEA – as for JSA but includes Environmental risks
L2RA – Level Two Risk Assessment
LOTO – lock out tag out
LTFR – Lost Time Frequency Rate
LTI – Lost Time Injury
MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet
MTI – Medically Treated Incident
NLTPHRW – National Licence To Perform High Risk Work
NMI – Near Miss Incident
NSCA – National Safety Council of Australia
NSFW – Not Safe For Work
OFA – Occupational First Aid
OHS – Occupational Health and Safety
OHSC– Occupational Health and Safety Committee
OSHA – Occupational Safety & Health Administration
OHSMS – Occupational Health and Safety Management System
PCBU – Person conducting a business or undertaking
PHMP – Principal Hazard Management Plan – defined term in Qld coal mining legislation. A Principal Hazard is one capable of causing multiple fatalities. No coal mine in Qld can start without a PHMP for all PHs relevant to its operations.
PHP – Personal Hearing Protection
POCL – Pre Operation Check List
PPE – Personal Protective Equipment
PTW – Permit to Work
RA – Risk Assessment
RACE – Rescue, Activate alarm, Confine the fire, Evacuate/Extinguish
RCA – Root Cause Analysis
RCD – Residual Current Device
SFA – Senior First Aid
SHE – Safety Health and Environment
SHIT – Special High Intensity Training
SHMP – Safety & Health Management Plan (action plan to implement the SHMS)
SHMS – Safety & Health Management System
SIA – Safety Institute of Australia
SIFR – Serious Injury Frequency Rate
SINA – Safety Is No Accident
SIT – Safety Improvement Team
SMP – Safety management Plan
SOP – Standard Operating Procedure (defined in Queensland mining legislation)
SSOP Safe Standard Operating Procedure
SSHR – Site Safety & Health Representative
SWI – Safe (or Standard) Work Instruction – short summary of the SOP, usually one page, listing risks and risk controls.
SWL – Safe Working Load
SWMS – safe work method statement
SWP – Safe Work Procedures, Safe Work Platform
TRI – Total Recordable Injuries
VRDs – Voltage Reduction Devices
W@H – Work at Heights
WAH – Work at Heights
WHS – Workplace Health and Safety
WHSO – Workplace Health and Safety Officer
WICS – Work In Confined Space
WMS – Work Method Statement

semoga bermanfaat
sumber : grup IPMK4L INDONESIA
                 grup HSE,F&R

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