Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Q1. What is Safety?
Q2. What is accident?
Q3. What is injury?
Q4. What is hazard?
Q5. What is risk?
Q6. What is incident?
Q7. What is safety policy?
Q8. What is safety audit?
Q9. What is safety tag?
Q10. What is safety programme?
Q11. What is attitude?
Q12. What is emergency planning?
Q13. What is work permit system?
Q14. What is work at height?
Q15. What is confined space?
Q16. What is personal protective equipment?
Q17. What is JSA?

Q18. What are the duties of a HSE officer?
Q19. What are the hazards in petroleum industry?
Q20. How to control the petroleum hazards?
Q21. What are hazards and injuries in manual handing?
Q22. What is the cause of accidents in manual handling?
Q23. What precautions are needed to avoid accident in manual handling?
Q24. What are the Tips for manual handling?
Q25. What is the cause of accidents in mechanical handling?
Q26. What are the accidents in “poor housekeeping”?
Q27. What are the advantages in "good housekeeping"?
Q28. What control measures area necessary in confined space?
Q29. What are advantages of JSA ( Job safety Analysis)?
Q30. What is tool box meeting?
Q31. Describe different types of hazards!
Q32. What is inspection?
Q33. Workplace safety inspection by whom?
Q34. How many types of inspection?
Q35. What is safety management?
Q36. What is accident investigation?
Q37. What is accident statistics?
Q38. How to investigate an accidents?
Q39. How to report an accident?
Q40.. What is accident prevention?
Q41. What is role of management in industrial safety?
Q42. Give a brief note about safety policy!
Q43. How many types of safety?
Q44. Mention the Human factors causing accidents!
Q45. How many steps in safety?
Q46. Write causes of accidents!
Q47. Give some examples about unsafe act!
Q48. Give some examples about unsafe conditions!
Q49. Write about accident sequence!.
Q50. Write a brief about classification of fire!
Q51. Write uses of extinguisher for purpose!
Q52. What precaution are necessary to protect of fires ?
Q53. Mention about Personal protective equipments (PPE)!
Q54. What is safety management?
Q55. What are the objectives of safety management?
Q56. How many types of PPE?
Q57. How many types work permit?
Q58. What is blanket permit?
Q59. What is delegated work permit?
Q60. How many types of accidents?
Q61. Mention about Heinrich accident ratio!
Q62. Mention about Bird accident ratio!
Q63. How to control risk?
Q64. What are the hazards in chemical safety?
Q65. How to control the chemical hazards?
Q66. What is first aid?
Q67. What are the causes of industrial accidents?
Q68. What are the responsibility for workers for safety?
Q69. How does the workers health influence ?
Q70. How is audit be conducted?
Q71. What are the procedures for work permit?
Q72. How many types of appliance?
Q73. What are causes of accident of working at height (Personal)?
Q74. How to control measure of work at height ?
Q75. What is earthling?
Q76. Mention the Precaution for electric shock!
Q77. What is housekeeping?
Q78. What are 4Ps?
Q79. How many types of sign boards?
Q80. What is safety surveys ?
Q81. What are of four legs of fire safety ?
Q82. What are the important points to be observed for fire prevention ?
Q83. Mention about colour on the safety!
Q84. What is Noise ?
Q85. What is hot work permit ?
Q86. What is cold work permit ?
Q87. What is safety inventory system ?
Q88. What is manual handing?.
Q89. What is industrial hygiene ?
Q90. What are belongs to un-hygienic working environment ?


A1. It is a condition which gives you freedom from hazard, risk, accident which may cause injury, damage and loss to material or property damage and even death.
A2. It is an unexpected or unplanned event which may or may not result in injury or damage or property loss or death.
A3. It is defined as a harmful condition sustained by the body as a result of an accident.
A4. Inherent property of a substance or an occurrence which has potential to cause loss or damage property, person or environment.
A5. In probability of the realization of potential for loss or damage or injury.
A6. It is an event which represents deviation from the intended sequence of designed steps.
A7. Any company has a social and legal obligation to provide a safe and health working environment to all his improvement to all his employees.
A8. The safety audit is the process that identifies unsafe conditions and unsafe acts on the workplace and recommended safety improvement.
Walk through it, evaluates the unsafe condition noticeable to naked eye during work through the workplace.
Intermediate - more details study and review of workplace design and workplace operation.
Comprehensive – It evaluates the safety factors in the workplace on the base engineering, analysis, testing, measurement.
A9. Safety tag can be defined as surface made of card board or paper board on which English & local languages letters written for warning safety instructions to employees.
A10. Safety programme can be defined as five methods by which accident can be prevented easily. There are : engineering, education, enforcement, enthusiasm and example safety programmes are plain spoken and carry out certain legal steps.
A11. Attitude may be described as continuous behavior . if man’s behavior is good, then his action will be correct or safe as well.
A12. Emergency planning can be defined as a control measurer. It can control the accidents safe guard people and provide information to media.
A13. Work permit system is a “written documents” for permission to undertake a job by area in charge or it is written document issued by the area in charge to the performer to under take the specific job.
A14. Any work should be done above 2 meters from ground..
A15. An area which is small and enclosed or an area where one entry and exits or where a man cannot work comfortable in any location.
A16. It is an equipments used to protect the person from hazards such dust, dirt, fumes and sparks etc. It is the barrier between hazard and person.
A17. The procedure of analyzing job for the specific purpose of finding the hazards and developing .
A18. Prepare tool box meeting
        Prepare monthly statistics
        Prepare the checklist
        Accident reports
        Management meetings
        Arrange the safety classes/training
        Arrange monthly safety bulletin
        Inspection of fire extinguisher
        Inspection Life Jacket & safety equipment on the cabin
        Inspection the accomodation & galley with the Medic
        Arrange first aid training classes
        Arrange safety competitions like quiz, slogan, poster competitions exhibition etc.
A19. 1. Fire
         2. Explosion
         3. General hazards
         4. Frostbite.
A20. 1. Proper design, operation and maintenance
        2. Avoid leakage
        3. Steel pressure cylinder
        4. Vapor release is to be directed away from heat sources
        5. Wear goggles and SCBA sets.
A21.1. Cutting fingers due to sharp edges
        2. Burns due to handing of hot articles
        3. Foot injuries due to dropped articles
        4. Slipped disc due to improper posture in lifting on object
        5. Strains to wrist or fingers
        6. Sprains, wounds hernias, fractures
A22.1. Improper lifting
        2. Carrying too heavy loads
        3. Improper gripping
        4. Failure to use PPE
        5. Lifting greasy, oily and irregular objects
        6. Poor physique
A23. 1. Stand at safe distance from the load
         2. Sharp edge and burns are removed before lifting a material.
         3. PPE such as safety gloves and safety shoes are to be used.
         4. If the weight is too heavy for one person to lift, then he has to seek the assistance.
         5. The pathway is not blocked by obstacles while carrying the load.
         6. The different actions, movements and forces necessary while carrying the load.
         7. Modify the task by using hooks and crow bars.
         8. Mechanical equipments like cranes shall be used.
         9. Modify the objects
        10. Change the way things are used.
A24. 1. Plan
         2. Clear the path
         3. Move in close to the load
         4. Secure your grip
         5. Hold your head upright
         6. Maintain normal curves of the spine
         7. Power the lift with legs and body weight
         8. Don’t twist
A25. 1. The sudden failure of wire rope or a chain
         2. Slipping of the load from the sling
         3. Swinging of the load while lifting
         4. The load sometimes hits the man
A26.1. Men getting hit by falling from overhead
        2. Men slipping as greasy, wet or dirty floor
        3. Men falling in open tank without cover in level floor
        4. Accidents due to poor lighting
        5. Fire accidents due to faulty electrical wires
A27. 1. It helps in the reduction of accidents including fire accidents
         2. It saves the property damages
         3. It improves employee moral
         4. Better productivity
         5. Working area becomes presentable
         6. Human energy is conserved
         7. Visitors are very much satisfied
         8. The burden of supervisor is reduced
A28. 1. Enter with air line BA sets
         2. Use 24V flame proof hand lamps
         3. A hole watcher to be kept near manhole
         4. Keep fire fighting equipment ready
         5. Gas test to be done to check for oxygen level
         6. Provide blowers
         7. Don’t smoke in confined space
         8. Use ropes and harness
         9. The spaces clean before entry
        10. Use non sparking tools if there is any risk of flammable vapors being present.
A29. 1. It helps to identify hazards and prevent accident
         2. It helps to establish safe work method, working conditions and suitable workplace safety rules
         3. It helps to asses the safety training for heading can be used for JSA.
         4. It helps to inspect the workplace
             a) Name of operation for JSA
             b) Description of the operation
             c) Hazards
             d) Precautions
A30. 1. Job related safety aspects
         2. Job related hazards / risk
         3. Control / preventive measure
         4. Adequacy of PPE’s / condition
         5. Following safety rules / procedures
         6. Safe work procedures / methods
A31.1. Mechanical hazards — inadequately guarded moving machines parts
        2. Chemical hazards — of toxic gasses, vapours, fumes, smoke and dust.
        3. Electrical hazards - inadequately insulated line wires
        4. Fire hazards – chemical reaction, electrical Arcs
        5. Radiation hazards – dazzling light, infrared rays, ultra violet rays
        6. Pollution — water pollution & noise pollution
A32.Inspection means to find out hazards according to checklist prepared with reference to the department       operations by the people who are familiar with the workplace.
A33. By Safety officer
         By line management personal
         By senior management personnel
         First line supervisor
         By maintenance engineers
         By workers
         By safety committee
         By statutory authorities
A34. There are 5 types inspection :
        1. Continuous inspection – select employees
         2. Periodical Inspection – material storage, fire fighting equipments, handling equipments
         3. Intermittent inspection – unannounced inspection done by safety officer, safety committee ( Particular         work spot)
         4. Statutory inspection – storage area, location at height (cranes, ropes, chains, it may tackles inspection)
         5. Special inspection – accident investigation.
A35. An act and science of setting safety objectives of the industrial company.
A36. To carry out immediately the occurrence of accident to find out real facts to avoid the future accident.
A37. To maintain of accident details.
A38. Injured persons name, address, designation, age
        Exact place and types of hazards
        Date, shift, time
        To find out the causes / reasons
        To take correction action
        Fact finding, not fault finding
A39. 1. Date and time
         2. Activity
         3. What happened
         4. Person involved
         5. What went wrong
         6. Causes
         7. Corrective action suggested
         8. Signature
         9. Safety officer
        10. Safety in charge
        11. Project manager
A40. Defined as an integrated programme and directed to control unsafe mechanical or physical condition.
A41. 1. A written safety policy be issued by the management’s towards men, material and machines.
         2. The safety policy should bring out the management’s towards men, material machine.
         3. The safety policy should be circulated to top, middle and to workers
         4. Management meeting should be in a position
         5. Management should arrange for safety inspection (once in 3 months) and safety audit (once in year) to be carried out.
A42. 1. The safety and health of all employees is one of prime concern of the company.
         2. Every company will be required to the policy both in letter and in spirit.
         3. The company shall comply straightly with act, laws, rules and regulations
         4. The company shall impart training in health, safety and occupational health to all employees.
         5. The company will adopt own safety and health standards where laws may not be available.
A43. There are three types of safety :
         a. Workplace safety
         b. Workers safety
         c. Consumer safety
A44. 1. Carelessness
         2. Fooling about it
         3. Hurrying to increase production
         4. Laziness in housekeeping
         5. Hurrying in mealtime / coffeetime
         6. Lack of attention due to worry
         7. Alcohol and drugs
         8. Lack of skilled and experience
         9. Not using PPE
A45. There are 4 steps in safety :
        1. Policy
        2. Implementation
        3. Take advantages of Petroleum Industrial Act
        4. Safe working conditions.
A46. Direct cause : Unsafe act and unsafe condition.
        Indirect Cause: 1. Lack of knowledge or skilled
                                  2. Improper attitude
                                  3. Physical or mental deficiency
A47. 1. Operating any equipment without properly authority
         2. Failure to warning
         3. Operating at unsafe speed
         4. Failure to use PPE
         5. Using hands instead of tools and equipment
         6. Unsafe loading, placing or stacking
         7. Unsafe position / posture
         8. Working on moving equipments
         9. Wearing loose clothes while working on running machine
       10. Working at height without safety belt
A48. 1. Unguarded machine/ equipment
         2. Poor lighting
         3. Narrow road
         4. Improper stacking
         5. Oil or grease on floor
         6. Unsafe ventilation
         7. Unsafe defective construction
         8. Defective condition of tools and equipment
         9. Unsafe method or procedure
       10. Bad housekeeping
A49. A personal injury occurs only as the result of an accidents.
An accident occurs only as the result of an unsafe action or unsafe mechanical or physical conditions or both.
Unsafe action or unsafe condition or mechanical or physical condition exist only because of faulting the part of persons.
Fault of persons acquires from the environment and the causes for lack of knowledge or skills or improper attitude.
A50. There are mainly five types of fire :
        Class A Fire : Wood, paper, clothes, rubbers etc.
        Class B Fire : Oil, grease, paint, petroleum etc.
        Class C Fire : Acetylene, ethane, methane etc.
        Class D Fire : Sodium, magnesium, potassium etc.
        Class E Fire : Electrical equipment etc.
A51. 1. Water type extinguisher – Class A fire (not be B & E)
         2. Foam type extinguisher – Class B fire (S.B + A.S.= CO2)
         3. Carbon dioxide extinguisher - Class C Fire
         4. DCP Extinguisher – Class C, D or E
A52. 1. Workplace shall be so laid out and roads, passage ways etc.
         2. Doors shall be located in suitable positions on all external of the workplace.
         3. Smoking lighting or carrying matches are to be prohibited while working
         4. Gas cylinders should not be stored near high flammable substances
         5. Flammable liquids shall be stored in suitable containers with close fitting covers.
         6. In every place has to suitable fire fighting equipment
         7. All fire fighting equipment shall be subjected to routine maintenance inspection and testing by proper trained persons.
         8. Sufficient number of persons shall be trained in the proper handling of fire fighting equipment.
A53. 1. Head protection – Hard hat, cap, and helmet
            Made – aluminum, PVC, fiber glass, Plastic
            Protect – heal, spark, danger materials
         2. Face and eye protection – Spectacles, Welding goggles, face shield
             Protect – flying particles, radiation
         3. Hand protection – Gloves, hand pads
             Made – leather, rubber, PVC, asbestos
             Protect – acid, oil grease, pure Alex rubber gloves electrical
         4. Foot and leg protection – Safety shoes, gum boots, foot leg guard
             Made – Metal, leather, rubber
             Protect – falling materials and electrical work
         5. Body protection – Apron, hood, coverall, jacket
             Made - rubber, leather, canvas, lead, PVC, asbestos
                         Asbestos hood – Fire fighting
                         Rubber, PVC full suit – (Corrosively liquid, fumes, vapour)
                         Safety belts – work exceeds 3 mt
         6. Ear protection – earmuff – noise – 30 – 135DB
         7. Ear plug – 115 – 120 DB
A54. An art and science of setting safety objectives of the Industrial company and related activities of planning, administration, Improving, Various functions to achieve the safety objectives.
A55. 1. Taking care of workers and staff in the event of an accident
         2. Providing health full environment and surrounding
         3. Welfare
         4. Continuous vigil and improvement.
A56. There are two types of PPE :
        1. Respiratory : Air supplied - Compressed air breathing apparatus set
                                 Air purified - Canisters gas mask
                                                   - Chemical cartridges respirator
                                                   - Surgical cotton mask
                                                   - Dust filter mask (dust respirator)
        2. Non respiratory
A57. There are two types of work permit :
        1. Cold work permit
         2. Hot work permit
             The hot work permit further classified into 3 types :
             Normal hot work permit
             Blanket hot work permit
             Delegate hot work permit
A58. A blanket permit is a permit issued on the basis of location where the multiple jobs are to be carried out at safe location.
A59. Delegated work permit used for areas requiring light control. Ex : Fabrication, yards. Valid for 30 days.
A60. There are 4 types of accidents :
        1. Near miss accident – escape
        2. No lost time - reported before 48hrs
        3. Los time – reported after 48hrs
        4. Fated – Death
A61. Major injury
        Minor injury
        No injury
A62. Serious
        Property damage
        No visible injury
A63. The risk is controlled by following process. There are : eliminate, replace, reduce, control and PPE.
A64. 1. Danger due to fire/ explosion
        2. Danger due to toxicity.
A65. The chemical hazards are controlled by engineering method, administrative method and PPE.
A66. Firs aid is temporary and immediate care given to the victim of an accident.
A67.1. Inadequate skilled, improper supervision etc.
        2. Rapid industrialization
        3. Expansion of existing workplace
        4. Setting up new industries involving hazards not known earlier.
A68. 1. Report unsafe condition to supervisor
        2. Do not operate the machine without knowing the operation
        3. Before starting the machine, check whether the machine is in good condition or not
        4. Use correct tools
        5. Follow the safety rules
        6. Always do not horseplay
        7. Do not lift overload
        8. Do not cheat on with others.
A69. The workers health influences by occupational factors – physical, chemical, biological, social.
         Non occupational factors – food, cloth, water, housing, smoking & alcohol etc.
A70. 1. Preliminary visit and understanding the workplace
         2. Identify the audit element
         3. Prepare the questionnaire
         4. Get the reply from the company
         5. Discuss with management, executives & workers.
         6. Cross Verification at site
         7. Preparation of report.
A71. 3 Copies of the permit :
        At the work site.
        In the permit file
        On the permit board.
A72. 1. Safety appliance for PPE
         2. Safety appliance for general protection.
A73. a. Lack of knowledge and skilled
         b. Overwork
         c. Feeling of dizziness
         d. Non usage of PPEs like safety belt cygnet
         e. Unsafe platform (Not covered having floor openings)
         f. Improper erecting
         g. Unlearning work at height
A74. i. Use safety belt with proper anchoring above head.
       ii. Special training must be given prior to start the job.
       iii. All scaffolds must be erected by skilled persons.
       iv. No work after sunset
        v. Every platform should free from unnecessary obstruction
       vi. Grease, mud, paint removed from working platform.
A75. Earthling means connecting the natural point of the supply system to the general mass of the earth by line.
A76. Use dry handgloves & rubber sole, safety boots, gum boots
        The electric holder must be fully insulted
        Proper protection for the body
        During chipping of slag, wear goggles.
A77. Housekeeping means not only cleanness but also orderly arrangement of operations, tools, equipments storage, facilities and suppliers.
A78. Procedure – Rules, regulation
        Protective gear – PPE
        Promotional aspects – Competitions, rewards
        Publicity – Bulleting, posters.
A79. Mandatory
        Fire or explosion
A80. Safety surveys are made to have detailed observations of all types of unsafe physical and environment conditions as well as unsafe practices committed the health and comfort or workers.
A81. Fire protection
        Fire prevention
        Quantity control
        Preventive Maintenance
A82. Good housekeeping
        No smoking
        Use of fire resistant paint
        Electrical safety
        Fire check doors
        Naked flame safety
        Separate storage of hazardous chemicals
A83. Hot Work – Red or pink
        Cold Work – Green
        Confined – Blue
        Radioactive – Yellow
        Water type extinguisher – Red
        Foam type extinguisher – Cream (green)
        CO2 extinguisher Black
        DCR extinguisher Blue.
A84. Unwanted sound which causes irritation to the ears caused by mechanical movement.
A85. Any work which involves spark, flame & temperature.
A86. Any work which does not involved production of spark, flame, heat, temperature.
A87. It is a safety date collecting technique and carried out to promote full employee cooperation condition in the implementation of the company’s safety surveys.
A88. The process of lifting, carrying and stacking materials by men.
A89. Defined as the art and science of the presentation and improvement of the health and comfort of workers.
A90. Presence of toxic,
        High temp.
        Excessive noise
        Emission of radiation
        Improper lighting
        Improper ventilation
        Process involving handling of poisonous.

tank you.. always safety always healty

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